Implementation Strategies for Zones Programs

Helping Nepal Reach Middle-Income Status through SEZs

For the last several decades, Nepal's special economic zone (SEZ) program has intended to promote export-oriented manufacturing to help the country graduate to middle-income status.... Thus, in 2016, the DfID-supported Economic Policy Incubator (EPI) contracted Locus Economica to advise on the Nepal's SEZ program....

Guiding the Development of Madagascar's Special Economic Zones Program

In 2015, Locus Economica assisted the government of Madagascar as part of a World Bank / International Development Association (IDA) technical assistance program. Our work involved helping develop a legal, regulatory, and institutional framework  for SEZs in Madagascar. These efforts included ...

Diagnosing Peru's Special Economic Zones against International Best Practices

The World Bank requested Locus Economica's assistance to analyze Peru's special economic zones (SEZs) and provide policy options in late 2015. Peru has multiple overlapping zones laws, all designed to promote industrialization in key sectors. Four of the country's seven zones are operational and attract investment through a combination of fiscal incentives and duty free treatment of imports.

We assisted the Peruvian government by ...

Promoting Industrialization in Senegal through the Diamniadio Special Economic Zone

From July to October of 2015, Locus Economica joined forces with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to assist the government of Senegal as it develops its industrial sectors.  We advised the government on the creation of an Integrated Industrial Platform...

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Improve the Performance of Lesotho's Industrial Zones

Locus Economica assisted the government of Lesotho with attracting private-sector involvement in the development and management of industrial zones in early 2015.  Working under contract with our partner, Buro Happold, we assessed the economic feasibility of various public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements. ...

Stimulating Diversified Economic Growth through Qatar Economic Zones

In 2014, Locus Economica was engaged by Buro Happold, Tanween and Manateq to help advise the government of Qatar on the establishment of three SEZs, each targeting selected industries to help Qatar diversify its economy away from dependence on the oil and gas industries. Qatar Economic Zone (QEZ) 1 will be located ...

Assessing the Feasibility of Kuwait Economic Zones

In 2013 and 2014, the World Bank contracted Locus Economica to peer review feasibility studies being prepared by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill regarding the development of special economic zones in Kuwait. These studies were enhanced and augmented in line with international standards based on Locus Economica's recommendations. 

Fending off the Resource Curse through Special Economic Zones

Economic diversity is a crucial goal for countries blessed (or cursed?) with large reserves of natural resources, such as petroleum. ... One tool countries have used to fight resource dependency is special economic zones (SEZs). For example, we have helped countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar channel state-owned oil revenues into SEZs that encourage high-tech manufacturing, ICT, clean energy industries, and other diversified sectors. In 2013 we shared some of this experience with the OECD ...

Macedonia Special Economic Zones Program Review and Training Exercise

2013, Locus Economica was contracted by the World Bank to assess whether Macedonia's Technological Industrial Development Zones (TIDZ) program was compliant with the country’s European Union and World Bank obligations.  Our assessment included recommendations for enhancing not only the program's compliance with international commitments but also its legislative competitiveness.  We also helped train civil servants responsible for the program under this contract as seen in this picture.

Mapping Opportunities in Botswana for Special Economic Zone Development

One of the most common reasons for the failure of a special economic zone (SEZ) is poor location. For that reason, Locus Economica, in partnership with Kaiser Associates, undertook an assignment for the Botswana Ministry of Trade and Industry to identify the areas of the country with the greatest potential for success if designated as an SEZ....

Feasibility Study for Uganda's Infrastructure Fund and Bond Program

In 2011 Locus Economica was contracted through Deloitte and USAID to assist the government of Uganda by assessing the feasibility of a public-private infrastructure fund and bonds program. It also assessed Uganda's legal and regulatory environment to determine the viability of foreign and domestic investment and advised on the possibilities for SEZ development.

Advising the South African Department of Trade and Industry on SEZ Best Practices

South Africa's Department of Trade and Industry contracted Locus Economica to provide advice on the development of the East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ). We shared best practices in special economic zone master planning...

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Locus Economica Director and resident operations specialist, Chuck Heath served as Managing Director of the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai until 2011.  He continues to serve clients with the many vital lessons learned during his time there. ...

Panamá Pacífico Special Economic Area

Panamá Pacífico Special Economic Area

From 2001-2007, Locus Economica founder and Managing Director Jean-Paul Gauthier was contracted by the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC) to advise on utilizing the 2,500-hectare area around the Howard Air Force Base, located across the canal from Panama City.  ...

Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan

Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan

Beginning in 1999, Locus CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier was instrumental in helping the government of Jordan transform the city of Aqaba into a thriving SEZ.  With World Bank financing, the Aqaba Regional Authority contracted Jean-Paul's firm ...

Helping Afghanistan Build a Stable Economy

Ever since the formation of a new government in Afghanistan, the country has attempted to diversify its economy by stimulating economic growth in industrial sectors. From 2010-2011, USAID utilized Jean-Paul Gauthier to advance that objective. ..

Assessing the Feasibility of SEZs in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In 2009-2010, Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier led a complete feasibility study on the establishment of an SEZ in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study included the drafting of legislation for the new SEZ program...

Assessing Strategic West African Transport Corridors

Deloitte contracted Locus Economica to help advise on SEZ possibilities and strategies and economic and sector development in critical transport corridors in West Africa, including...