UNIDO assessed the possibility of a free economic zone in Azerbaijan in 2007, with parallel World Bank Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) work on the legal front by Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier. Partially as a result of these efforts…
Extending the Benefits of Chile's Free Zones
Puerto Aysén, Chile
Chile’s Punta Arenas Free Zone established an "Extension Area" in Puerto Aysén and Palena province in 2004, the legal framework of which was evaluated by Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier on behalf of the World Bank’s Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS).
Evaluating Costa Rica's Free Zones Framework for WTO Compatibility
Evaluating Senegal's Legal Framework for Hosting SEZs
Evaluating the Legal Basis for a Russian SEZ program
Evaluating Tanzania's SEZ Legal Framework
Evaluating Bolivia's Free Zones Legal Framework
Evaluating Benin's Free Zones Legal Framework
In 2004, Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier evaluated Benin’s legal framework for hosting free zones on behalf of the World Bank’s Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) and made a certain number of recommendations in this regard. Shortly thereafter, in 2005, the Benin Industrial Free Zone Management Company was created in and the Industrial Free Zone Law adopted.
Contributing to the Creation of a Framework for LNDC Industrial Estates
Studying the Financial Structuring of Industrial Parks in sub-Saharan Africa
In 2018, Locus Economica was contracted, alongside PwC UK, by DFID's UK Aid to study the different terms and conditions of the financial structuring of industrial park deals in Africa. Jean-Paul helped produce a regional study for Invest Africa, UK Aid's initiative to promote FDI in manufacturing sectors in sub-Saharan Africa.
Rwanda Development Board Highly Recommends Locus Economica's CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier to UNIDO
Mr. Naphtal Kazoora, manager of Rwanda's Special Economic Zones Regulatory Authority, this month issued a kind letter of support for Jean-Paul Gauthier's expertise in ongoing UNIDO-supported SEZ development assistance.
Mr. Kazoora's letter to UNIDO reads in part: "I am pleased to confirm that SEZAR would welcome further support to be provided by UNIDO in the form of advice and training to be provided by Dr Jean-Paul Gauthier, Senior Expert on Special Economic Zones (SEZ): Regulatory and Institutional Development Issues ... I would be grateful if UNIDO could proceed to contract Dr Gauthier as soon as possible."
See the full letter here.
Advising the World Bank's Investing Across Borders Initiative
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Locus Economica Director and resident operations specialist, Chuck Heath served as Managing Director of the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai until 2011. He continues to serve clients with the many vital lessons learned during his time there. ...
Panamá Pacífico Special Economic Area
Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan
Helping Afghanistan Build a Stable Economy
Assessing the Feasibility of SEZs in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Guiding Reforms to Egypt's Business Regulations and Suez Canal Zone Concession Framework
Designing a Special Economic Zone Policy with Upstream Industries in Mind
Improving the Ease of Doing Business in Afghanistan
From 2010-2011, Locus Economic Founder Jean-Paul Gauthier was the technical lead for the Afghanistan Doing Business Better Project while working with Deloitte Consulting....