Evaluating Existing Zones Programs

Strengthening Rwanda's Special Economic Zone Regulatory System

Building off our assistance the previous year, Locus Economica returned to Rwanda as part of a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) mission to implement the reforms recommended in our 2015 Report. This assignment focused on upgrading the capacity of...

Strengthening Bangladesh's Economic Zones & IT Park Authorities

In 2016-2017, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to assist the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) and the Hi-Tech Parks Authority (HTPA) with its economic zones (EZs) and hi-tech parks (HTP) programs...

Helping Nepal Reach Middle-Income Status through SEZs

For the last several decades, Nepal's special economic zone (SEZ) program has intended to promote export-oriented manufacturing to help the country graduate to middle-income status.... Thus, in 2016, the DfID-supported Economic Policy Incubator (EPI) contracted Locus Economica to advise on the Nepal's SEZ program....

Driving Progress in Chile's Zonas Extremas through Free Zones

Chile's far northern and southern regions - the "zonas extremas" - host two strategically important free zones. From October 2016 to March 2017, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to assist the Chilean Ministry of Finance, as well as several regional and local entities, with efforts to improve the free zones programs. ...

Improving the Laws and Institutions Governing Special Economic Zones in Rwanda

Since June 2015, Locus Economica, in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, has been advising the Rwandan Ministry of Trade and Industry on its SEZ policy and development of industrial parks.  We have analyzed Rwanda's current legal framework for its SEZs ...

Diagnosing Peru's Special Economic Zones against International Best Practices

The World Bank requested Locus Economica's assistance to analyze Peru's special economic zones (SEZs) and provide policy options in late 2015. Peru has multiple overlapping zones laws, all designed to promote industrialization in key sectors. Four of the country's seven zones are operational and attract investment through a combination of fiscal incentives and duty free treatment of imports.

We assisted the Peruvian government by ...

Modernizing Kenya's Special Economic Zones Law and Regulations

Under multiple assignments for the World Bank since 2013, Locus Economica has been working closely with the Kenyan Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development and with Parliament to help facilitate the drafting of a new special economic zones law and implementing regulations.  The law represents a critical departure from...

Ethiopia Special Economic Zone Policy and Legal Framework

Since 2013, Locus Economica has been working under a World Bank contract to assist the government of Ethiopia with the development of its new Industrial Park program.  Specifically, Locus Economica has: Helped draft a new Industrial Park Proclamation ...

Promoting Industrialization in Senegal through the Diamniadio Special Economic Zone

From July to October of 2015, Locus Economica joined forces with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to assist the government of Senegal as it develops its industrial sectors.  We advised the government on the creation of an Integrated Industrial Platform...

Leveraging Lao SEZs to Promote Regional Integration and Attract Investment

The government of Laos has requested that Locus Economica assist it with the development of its new special economic zone program as part of a technical assistance package from the Government of Germany (GIZ). We have been helping identify fundamental market gaps in Laos and evaluating how SEZs can address those gaps.  ...

Harnessing Global Opportunities through Special Economic Zones in Pakistan

In 2015 the Punjab Board of Trade and Investment and the Pakistani Ministry of Commerce reached out to Locus Economica for assistance on revisions to its special economic zones (SEZ) program.  Working in coordination with the World Bank Jobs and Competitiveness Program, we led workshops with Pakistani government officials, consulted with stakeholders on the context and priorities for the zones program, and thoroughly reviewed and gave recommendations on Pakistan's current SEZ policy, laws, institutions, and plans for specific sites. 

Madagascar Diagnostic Trade and Investment Study

In 2014, the World Bank contracted Locus Economica to update certain aspects of its 2003 Diagnostic Trade and Investment Study of Madagascar.  Under this contract, we analyzed potential changes to the country's free zone program and reviewed the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) ...

Haiti Special Economic Zones Law Drafting Project

Under several successive assignments throughout 2013, the World Bank and the Ministry of Industry of Haiti, contracted Locus Economica to review existing industrial zones legislation and draft a new SEZ law for the country. Locus Economica also made high-level presentations to various stakeholders in the country while they workshoped and validated the proposed bill. ...

Russia Special Economic Zones Program Review and Loan Preparation

In 2013, the World Bank contracted Locus Economica to assist in evaluating a loan request from the Russian government. Specifically, the firm assessed the potential policy and technical needs of the country’s zones and the budget requirements for addressing those needs through World Bank assistance. The firm visited six Russian special economic zones and met with their management teams to offer guidance and advice as needed.

Macedonia Special Economic Zones Program Review and Training Exercise

2013, Locus Economica was contracted by the World Bank to assess whether Macedonia's Technological Industrial Development Zones (TIDZ) program was compliant with the country’s European Union and World Bank obligations.  Our assessment included recommendations for enhancing not only the program's compliance with international commitments but also its legislative competitiveness.  We also helped train civil servants responsible for the program under this contract as seen in this picture.

Saudi Arabia Special Economic Zones Policy Review

In 2012-2013, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to update 2007 and 2011 assessments of the Kingdom’s various spatial development policies for its Ministry of Finance.  Specifically, the firm reviewed existing policies and programs to identifying any policy gaps they might have and to recommending new measures as they move forward.  Locus Economica staff traveled to a variety of zones around the country including...

Analysis of South Africa's Special Economic Zone Bill and Associated Conference Presentations

In 2011 Locus Economica consulted South Africa's Centre for Development and Enterprise and the Department of Trade and Industry on South Africa's SEZ Bill and on its Industrial Development Zones (IDZs). Our work focused on...

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Locus Economica Director and resident operations specialist, Chuck Heath served as Managing Director of the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai until 2011.  He continues to serve clients with the many vital lessons learned during his time there. ...