Structuring Institutions and Operational Framework

Madagascar SEZ Bill Adopted

Ehoala Port, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar – the site of a proposed SEZ

Ehoala Port, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar – the site of a proposed SEZ

In July 2017, the Madagascar Council of Ministers adopted the SEZ Bill prepared with the technical assistance of Locus Economica in the 2015-2017 period. We had generous assistance from local counsel from the MCI law firm. The entire project was backed by funding from the World Bank Growth Poles Project.

Under the SEZ Law, which Locus Economica co-drafted, investors had, as of November 2017, signed MoUs with Rio Tinto’s Ehoala Business Park (constructed at a cost of $256 million) projected to create 1,000 jobs.

Strengthening Rwanda's Special Economic Zone Regulatory System

Building off our assistance the previous year, Locus Economica returned to Rwanda as part of a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) mission to implement the reforms recommended in our 2015 Report. This assignment focused on upgrading the capacity of...

Strengthening Bangladesh's Economic Zones & IT Park Authorities

In 2016-2017, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to assist the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) and the Hi-Tech Parks Authority (HTPA) with its economic zones (EZs) and hi-tech parks (HTP) programs...

Making Mexico's Planned SEZs Align with International Best Practices

Making Mexico's Planned SEZs Align with International Best Practices

In 2016 Locus advised the Government of Mexico on the development of its new SEZ program in collaboration with Spanish consulting firm IDOM. We provided best practices for SEZs and case studies on the design of the SEZ administrative framework and investment incentives. ...

Guiding the Development of Madagascar's Special Economic Zones Program

In 2015, Locus Economica assisted the government of Madagascar as part of a World Bank / International Development Association (IDA) technical assistance program. Our work involved helping develop a legal, regulatory, and institutional framework  for SEZs in Madagascar. These efforts included ...

Improving the Laws and Institutions Governing Special Economic Zones in Rwanda

Since June 2015, Locus Economica, in partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, has been advising the Rwandan Ministry of Trade and Industry on its SEZ policy and development of industrial parks.  We have analyzed Rwanda's current legal framework for its SEZs ...

Promoting Industrialization in Senegal through the Diamniadio Special Economic Zone

From July to October of 2015, Locus Economica joined forces with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to assist the government of Senegal as it develops its industrial sectors.  We advised the government on the creation of an Integrated Industrial Platform...

Harnessing Global Opportunities through Special Economic Zones in Pakistan

In 2015 the Punjab Board of Trade and Investment and the Pakistani Ministry of Commerce reached out to Locus Economica for assistance on revisions to its special economic zones (SEZ) program.  Working in coordination with the World Bank Jobs and Competitiveness Program, we led workshops with Pakistani government officials, consulted with stakeholders on the context and priorities for the zones program, and thoroughly reviewed and gave recommendations on Pakistan's current SEZ policy, laws, institutions, and plans for specific sites. 

Harnessing Private Sector Capabilities to Improve the Performance of Lesotho's Industrial Zones

Locus Economica assisted the government of Lesotho with attracting private-sector involvement in the development and management of industrial zones in early 2015.  Working under contract with our partner, Buro Happold, we assessed the economic feasibility of various public-private partnership (PPP) arrangements. ...

Stimulating Diversified Economic Growth through Qatar Economic Zones

In 2014, Locus Economica was engaged by Buro Happold, Tanween and Manateq to help advise the government of Qatar on the establishment of three SEZs, each targeting selected industries to help Qatar diversify its economy away from dependence on the oil and gas industries. Qatar Economic Zone (QEZ) 1 will be located ...

Stimulating Job Growth and Poverty Reduction through the Maluku Special Economic Zone, DRC

In 2014, Locus Economica advised the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) through the IFC on the feasibility of implementing an SEZ program in its country.  Our assistance consisted of recommendations on the establishment of a secure legal framework for private-sector investment in the DRC. The DRC has sought to establish Kintech, a privately managed SEZ...

Pre-Feasibility Study for the Kuwait Digital Oasis

In 2013, Locus Economica was retained by the World Bank to assess the opportunity and potential nature and location of a technology park in Kuwait on behalf its central agency for information technology (CAIT). The firm provided strategic and real-estate market recommendations in this context.

Economic and Legal Pre-Feasibility Study for the Kuwait Petroleum Industrial Park

The World Bank again contracted Locus Economica in 2013 to assist with the economic and legal possibilities for the creation of the Kuwait Petroleum Industrial Park.  The firm provided guidance concerning SEZ strategy and operations, project management, and economic and sector analysis.

Macedonia Special Economic Zones Program Review and Training Exercise

2013, Locus Economica was contracted by the World Bank to assess whether Macedonia's Technological Industrial Development Zones (TIDZ) program was compliant with the country’s European Union and World Bank obligations.  Our assessment included recommendations for enhancing not only the program's compliance with international commitments but also its legislative competitiveness.  We also helped train civil servants responsible for the program under this contract as seen in this picture.

Saudi Arabia Special Economic Zones Policy Review

In 2012-2013, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to update 2007 and 2011 assessments of the Kingdom’s various spatial development policies for its Ministry of Finance.  Specifically, the firm reviewed existing policies and programs to identifying any policy gaps they might have and to recommending new measures as they move forward.  Locus Economica staff traveled to a variety of zones around the country including...

Analysis of South Africa's Special Economic Zone Bill and Associated Conference Presentations

In 2011 Locus Economica consulted South Africa's Centre for Development and Enterprise and the Department of Trade and Industry on South Africa's SEZ Bill and on its Industrial Development Zones (IDZs). Our work focused on...

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Locus Economica Director and resident operations specialist, Chuck Heath served as Managing Director of the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai until 2011.  He continues to serve clients with the many vital lessons learned during his time there. ...

Panamá Pacífico Special Economic Area

Panamá Pacífico Special Economic Area

From 2001-2007, Locus Economica founder and Managing Director Jean-Paul Gauthier was contracted by the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC) to advise on utilizing the 2,500-hectare area around the Howard Air Force Base, located across the canal from Panama City.  ...

Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan

Aqaba Special Economic Zone, Jordan

Beginning in 1999, Locus CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier was instrumental in helping the government of Jordan transform the city of Aqaba into a thriving SEZ.  With World Bank financing, the Aqaba Regional Authority contracted Jean-Paul's firm ...

Assessing the Feasibility of SEZs in the Democratic Republic of Congo

In 2009-2010, Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier led a complete feasibility study on the establishment of an SEZ in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The study included the drafting of legislation for the new SEZ program...