
Madagascar SEZ Bill Adopted

Ehoala Port, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar – the site of a proposed SEZ

Ehoala Port, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar – the site of a proposed SEZ

In July 2017, the Madagascar Council of Ministers adopted the SEZ Bill prepared with the technical assistance of Locus Economica in the 2015-2017 period. We had generous assistance from local counsel from the MCI law firm. The entire project was backed by funding from the World Bank Growth Poles Project.

Under the SEZ Law, which Locus Economica co-drafted, investors had, as of November 2017, signed MoUs with Rio Tinto’s Ehoala Business Park (constructed at a cost of $256 million) projected to create 1,000 jobs.

Guiding the Development of Madagascar's Special Economic Zones Program

In 2015, Locus Economica assisted the government of Madagascar as part of a World Bank / International Development Association (IDA) technical assistance program. Our work involved helping develop a legal, regulatory, and institutional framework  for SEZs in Madagascar. These efforts included ...

Madagascar Diagnostic Trade and Investment Study

In 2014, the World Bank contracted Locus Economica to update certain aspects of its 2003 Diagnostic Trade and Investment Study of Madagascar.  Under this contract, we analyzed potential changes to the country's free zone program and reviewed the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) ...