Burkina Faso

Assessing Strategic West African Transport Corridors

Deloitte contracted Locus Economica to help advise on SEZ possibilities and strategies and economic and sector development in critical transport corridors in West Africa, including...

Making Burkina Faso's Investment Climate Leap

Locus is committed to making it easier to do business in our client's countries. ... From 2005 to 2007, Locus founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier led the World Bank / International Finance Corporation's (IFC) "Doing Business Better" Project for Burkina Faso....

Building Better Business Laws in West and Central Africa

OHADA is an organization of 17 Central and West African countries that seeks to improve the business environment in the region by passing uniform laws applying to all businesses in member state. From 2006-2007, Locus founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier led an ... effort to help reform OHADA laws that were in need of updating. ...