After an initial visit in May 2018, Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier returned to the Mirsarai SEZ Project in Bangladesh in October 2019 to participate in the World Bank Team’s tree planting cereomony at the site.
Evaluating Costa Rica's Free Zones Framework for WTO Compatibility
Evaluating Senegal's Legal Framework for Hosting SEZs
Evaluating the Legal Basis for a Russian SEZ program
Evaluating Tanzania's SEZ Legal Framework
Evaluating Bolivia's Free Zones Legal Framework
Evaluating Benin's Free Zones Legal Framework
In 2004, Locus Economica Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier evaluated Benin’s legal framework for hosting free zones on behalf of the World Bank’s Foreign Investment Advisory Service (FIAS) and made a certain number of recommendations in this regard. Shortly thereafter, in 2005, the Benin Industrial Free Zone Management Company was created in and the Industrial Free Zone Law adopted.
Contributing to the Creation of a Framework for LNDC Industrial Estates
Madagascar SEZ Bill Adopted
Ehoala Port, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar – the site of a proposed SEZ
In July 2017, the Madagascar Council of Ministers adopted the SEZ Bill prepared with the technical assistance of Locus Economica in the 2015-2017 period. We had generous assistance from local counsel from the MCI law firm. The entire project was backed by funding from the World Bank Growth Poles Project.
Under the SEZ Law, which Locus Economica co-drafted, investors had, as of November 2017, signed MoUs with Rio Tinto’s Ehoala Business Park (constructed at a cost of $256 million) projected to create 1,000 jobs.
Building Kenya's Special Economic Zones Regulations
One of Locus Economica's greatest values is the guidance we provide on legal and regulatory frameworks for special economic zones (SEZs). Locus has walked alongside the Kenyan government in its development of a new special economic zones law, regulations, and subsidiary instruments for the last few years. In March-April 2017...
Strengthening Bangladesh's Economic Zones & IT Park Authorities
Driving Progress in Chile's Zonas Extremas through Free Zones
Chile's far northern and southern regions - the "zonas extremas" - host two strategically important free zones. From October 2016 to March 2017, the World Bank retained Locus Economica to assist the Chilean Ministry of Finance, as well as several regional and local entities, with efforts to improve the free zones programs. ...
Guiding the Development of Madagascar's Special Economic Zones Program
Diagnosing Peru's Special Economic Zones against International Best Practices
The World Bank requested Locus Economica's assistance to analyze Peru's special economic zones (SEZs) and provide policy options in late 2015. Peru has multiple overlapping zones laws, all designed to promote industrialization in key sectors. Four of the country's seven zones are operational and attract investment through a combination of fiscal incentives and duty free treatment of imports.
We assisted the Peruvian government by ...
Modernizing Kenya's Special Economic Zones Law and Regulations
Under multiple assignments for the World Bank since 2013, Locus Economica has been working closely with the Kenyan Ministry of Industrialisation and Enterprise Development and with Parliament to help facilitate the drafting of a new special economic zones law and implementing regulations. The law represents a critical departure from...
Ethiopia Special Economic Zone Policy and Legal Framework
Harnessing Global Opportunities through Special Economic Zones in Pakistan
In 2015 the Punjab Board of Trade and Investment and the Pakistani Ministry of Commerce reached out to Locus Economica for assistance on revisions to its special economic zones (SEZ) program. Working in coordination with the World Bank Jobs and Competitiveness Program, we led workshops with Pakistani government officials, consulted with stakeholders on the context and priorities for the zones program, and thoroughly reviewed and gave recommendations on Pakistan's current SEZ policy, laws, institutions, and plans for specific sites.
Revitalizing Mexico's South through Special Economic Zones
Locus Economica provided technical assistance to the Government of Mexico in 2015 on the development of a special economic zones program. President Nieto announced the program to combat serious poverty and crime in the southern states of Chiapas, Guerrero, and Oaxaca. The zones are intended to improve conditions in these states by attracting new investment, creating jobs, developing supply chains with the local economy, and improving infrastructure. ...
Madagascar Diagnostic Trade and Investment Study
Stimulating Job Growth and Poverty Reduction through the Maluku Special Economic Zone, DRC
In 2014, Locus Economica advised the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) through the IFC on the feasibility of implementing an SEZ program in its country. Our assistance consisted of recommendations on the establishment of a secure legal framework for private-sector investment in the DRC. The DRC has sought to establish Kintech, a privately managed SEZ...