Stimulating Shared Prosperity in Senegal through Private Investment Promotion

By the mid 2000s, Senegal had achieved steady economic growth, but that growth was only benefiting a small portion of the population. To make a real impact on poverty reduction, the country had to create jobs by attracting private-sector investment in strategic sectors.

Thus, with World Bank support, the country launched the Private Investment Promotion Project, which aimed, among other things, to create 20,000 new jobs through improvements to the investment climate. Locus founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier helped lead a component of this project aiming to facilitate private participation and enhance competitiveness. 

Central to Jean-Paul's efforts was establishing a one-stop shop for business registration and licensing inside the country's investment promotion agency, APIX. The one-stop shop allowed new businesses to start within 48 hours.

In recent years, Locus Economica has continued to help improve APIX in the context of the development of a special economic zone at the Diamniadio Integrated Industrial Platform.