On September 15th 2017, Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier in his role as Secretary General of World Econmic Processing Zones Association (WEPZA) delivered a valuable presentation to the Rwandan Development Board on SEZs and the key factors to their success which can also be found here.
FDI Magazine Article: 'What is the future of free zones'
Locus Econmica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier was pleased to write a piece for well-respected FDI Magazine, published on October 15th 2020, on the future of free zones.
CDE Round Table Number 19, June 12 2012
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier gave a contribution to the Centre for Development and Enterprise’s 19th Round Table on June 12th 2012 which sought to give ‘Lessons for South Africa from international evidence and local experience’ on SEZs.
Locus Economica Peer-Reviews a Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung SEZ Report
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier was pleased to peer-review and see the publication in September 2019 of Dr Carl Aaron’s report, ‘SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES: A MODEL FOR THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA’, for Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Locus Economica SEZ Panama Pacifico Webinar, June 2020
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier on June 2nd 2020 delivered a webinar entitled ‘Planning a SEZ for Sustainability: Creating Jobs and a Circular Economy’ to employees and partners of the Panama Pacifico Special Economic Area.
Watch the webinar here:
Pro Bono Contribution to Louis Clamaron's Thesis, 2020
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier was delighted to learn of the successful publication of Louis Clamaron of the Lyon Buisiness School’s thesis, THE KYAUKPHYU SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE IMPLEMENTATION WITHIN THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE, on 20th July 2020 to which he gave pro bono advice.
Locus Economica Contributes to a PWC and UK Aid Investment Report on Africa
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier contributed to the November 2018 ‘Invest Africa’ report which was jointly published by PWC and UK Aid and which was a regional study in planning, financing and managing industrial parks in sub-saharan Africa.
The report can also be found on https://www.academia.edu/43581137/UKAID_Invest_Africa_Industrial_Park_Financing_Report .
Locus Economica Contribution to "How to Get Stuff Done (GSD) through Sustainable Investment Clusters"
Locus Economica’s Jean-Paul Gauthier contributes to the Savo Project Delevopers’ publication, ‘How to Get Stuff Done (GSD) through Sustainable Investment Clusters’ particularly to Chapter Five on ‘Conducive Policy Environment’(s). For more information on the project, go to https://p4gpartnerships.org/pioneering-green-partnerships/all-p4g-partnerships/sustainable-special-economic-zones .
Building Engines for Growth and Competitiveness in China : Experience with Special Economic Zones and Industrial Clusters by Douglas Zhihua Zeng* (The World Bank, 2010)
China's meteoric economic rise over the past three decades is an unprecedented "growth miracle" in human history. Since the Open Door policy and reforms that began in 1978, China's gross domestic product (GDP) has been growing at an average annual rate of more than 9 percent, with its global share increasing from 1 percent in 1980 to almost 6.5 percent in 2008 and its per capita GDP increasing from US$193 to US$3,263.
Special Economic Zones in Africa: Comparing Performance and Learning from Global Experience
The objective of the study is to explore the experience of zone programs, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa, to understand the factors that contribute to static and dynamic outcomes. It aims to provide input to the question of whether and how zones can make a significant contribution to job creation, diversification, and sustainable growth in African and other low-income countries. ...
What makes for a successful special economic zone?
Locus Economica consultants Jean-Paul Gauthier and Harold Godsoe were featured in Global Finance Magazine's great recent article, "Special Economic Zones: Who Wins, Who Loses?." In the article, Jean-Paul and Harold contributed to an excellent summary of the policies that tend to produce successful zones and the policies that undermine success. Here is just a quick sketch: ...
Special Economic Zones: Progress, Emerging Challenges, and Future Directions
Evaluating the Global Performance of Special Economic Zones
In 2008, Locus Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier served as overall engagement manager and co-author of "Special Economic Zones: Performance, Lessons Learned, and Implication for Zone Development." The influential and comprehensive report by the the World Bank provides a global review of SEZ experience over the past 30 years. ...