Hands-on Work to Attract Foreign Investment to Kenya

Between 1996 and 1998, the Kenyan Investment Promotion Centre and Export Processing Zones Authority asked Locus Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier to to lead an effort to attract foreign investors in targeted sectors. Jean-Paul lead an 8 member team evaluating the Kenyan investment framework as part of the project, which was the largest Commonwealth/EIDD initiative ever funded at the time. He conducted an in-depth survey of the political and policy framework, ownership restrictions, tax incentives, approval process, leasing and operating costs, staffing, infrastructure (including telecommunications and IT infrastructure), local financing, import and export policies and procedures, and preferential trade frameworks for investors in Kenya. 

Jean-Paul's work involved on-the-ground assessments of 250 sites to investigate local operations in targeted investment sectors and relevant government and trade bodies. Furthermore, he interviewed 700 potential investors in five Asian countries on their investment requirements in targeted sectors and evaluated competing regional and African investment promotion efforts.

He also organized and facilitated trade and investment conferences, one-on-one investment and trade  meetings, and industry and investment workshops. He provided capacity building to the Kenyan government and private-sector stakeholders throughout the project. His findings were presented to the Ministers of Commerce and of Tourism & Wildlife.